General Terms of Use


Terms and Conditions

Introduction These terms and conditions of use (Terms) apply to and govern the use of this website (the “Website”), as well as the use of all the information and services provided from the Website. By accessing and using the Website, you (the “User”) acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms. If you do not accept these Terms, you must not use the Website. The use of the Website and each page of it constitutes an irrebuttable presumption that the User has accepted and agreed to all the Terms unchanged., as the administrator of the Website, may at any time amend these Terms at its discretion and update the respective sections of the Website. Continued use of the Website by the User following such updates implies acceptance of the new Terms.

Use of the Website The Terms and conditions set in this Website and in all of its functions, as well as any national, European, or international legislation which concerns or relates to the Internet or the Web in general, bind all the users of this Website.

While accessing the Website, Users are obliged to comply with the Terms and all applicable laws, as well as with the regulations and/or codes and/or practices instituted and/or applied by

Users do not incur charges for the use of the Website in accordance with these Terms. However, the Website provides links to third-party websites, which operate and are under the control of independent service providers or merchants/vendors. These third parties may charge a fee for the use of specific content or services provided through their sites. Therefore, Users should conduct any necessary research before making any transactions with any third party. provides information regarding charges on the Website solely for convenience and information purposes and does not guarantee the accuracy of this information nor is responsible in any way for the content or services provided by such third-party websites.

With the exception of content provided by Users, the content and information on this Website (including, but not limited to, messages, data, information, text, music, sound, photographs, graphics, videos, maps, images, software, codes, or other material), as well as the infrastructure used to provide such content and information, belongs to Users agree not to modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any information, software, products, or services obtained from or through this Website.

Furthermore, Users agree not to:

  • Use this Website or its content for any commercial purpose without express written permission from
  • Access, monitor, or copy any content or information of this Website using any automated means or any manual process for any purpose without express written permission from
  • Violate any limitations or restrictions that may exist on this Website or bypass or circumvent other measures taken for the prevention or limitation of access to this Website.
  • Make any action that imposes or may impose, in the discretion of, an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on its infrastructure.
  • Deep-link to any part of this Website for any purpose without express written permission from or frame, mirror, or otherwise incorporate any part of this Website into any other site without prior written consent from
  • Attempt to modify, translate, adapt, edit, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer any software programs used by in relation to the Website or its services.

In any case, Users acknowledge and accept, without any reservation, that they are solely responsible for any loss or damage suffered by the Website and by third parties, regardless of the specific cause, the form, and the name of any such, resulting, directly or indirectly, from the breach of any term of these Terms.

Personal Data believes in protecting the privacy of Users of this Website. Any personal information posted on the Website by Users shall be used in accordance with the Data Privacy Policy of (Click here to view the Data Privacy Policy)

Confidentiality of Communications In any section or part of this Website where Users may be asked to reveal personal and other information and data, Users must register their real personal and other information and data. All necessary measures for the safety of communications are taken in accordance with the applicable legislation.

Content of the Website makes every effort to ensure that the content and information which appear each time on this Website are as accurate and true as possible. Anything provided in the form of an advertisement to Users through this Website is not, by any means, directly or indirectly, encouragement, advice, or inducement to the performance of any action. It is at the discretion of the User to evaluate what is provided and to act based on their own will, excluding any liability of

Unless otherwise specified, the software on which the creation of this Website was based, as well as all content, including pictures, graphics, photographs, videos, designs, texts, and all files of this Website, constitute intellectual property, registered trademarks, and marks for services and products of and are protected by the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law, and international conventions applicable for the protection of industrial and intellectual property.

All the above are provided to the User solely for personal and non-commercial use, provided that all notes on the original material related to copyright and intellectual property are kept in all copies of this material. It is prohibited to modify the material in any way, or reproduce it, publicly display it, perform it, load it, distribute it, or use it in any other way for commercial or other purposes. It is prohibited to modify, rent, lease, loan, sell, distribute, or create derivative works from the material, in whole or in part, unless specifically permitted by in writing and with a separate agreement.

Each User accepts, explicitly and without reservation, that they are solely responsible for any intervention on the content and for the consequences of any such, including any loss or damage of any type and any kind, that may suffer, while bears no responsibility towards either a User or a third party.

It is also mutually agreed and understood that, even though the Website provides Users with the necessary technological infrastructure and tools for posting/publishing content, all information and all content, whether publicly posted or privately transmitted, remains the sole responsibility of the person or the legal entity such content comes from. This means that the User is solely responsible for any and all content they post, publish, send, transfer, or otherwise make available through the services of the Website. In the event that is notified that any content causes material or other damage to a third party, it reserves the right to immediately delete such content and simultaneously suspend the account, if such exists, of the member that violates the Terms of this Website.

The content and information contained in this Website and which do not belong to those which are intellectual property of constitute an offer to the visitor/user and, in general, to the community of Internet users and shall not in any case be regarded as valid information or advice nor conceal any inducement to attempt or not certain acts. undertakes to collect, process, and distribute the Website’s content, but in no case does it guarantee its integrity, completeness, adequacy, and in general its appropriateness and the absence of errors, especially considering its large volume, as well as the participation of third parties (persons or legal entities) in its production and collection. Therefore, the Users of the Website, when using the services of the Website on their own initiative, also undertake the responsibility to verify the information provided.

Disclaimer, its affiliates, as well as its partners, do not make any representations of any kind with regard to the adequacy of the information, the software, the products, and the services contained in this Website or any section thereof for any reason or purpose. All such information, software, products, and services are provided “as is” and “as available” without warranty of any kind. bears no responsibility for the communication of the User with third parties – service providers advertised on this Website as well as for any commercial transaction that may arise from the relationship between them.

Unless otherwise expressly provided in these Terms or any additional such, is not bound on the services, either in terms of their content, function, liability, availability, or in terms of capacity with regard to the satisfaction of the visitors – Users’ needs.

These Terms and the Disclaimer above do not affect legal rights provided by mandatory provisions that may not be excluded under applicable law.

Links to Other Sites The Website may contain references via links, hyperlinks, or advertising banners to third-party sites. These are provided solely for the reference of the Users of the Website. does not control and is not liable for their availability, their contents, their privacy policy – protection of the Users’ personal data – or other practices. Further, it is on Users to take precautions to ensure that any links they choose or any software they download (either from the Website or other sites) are free of such items as viruses, worms, trojan horses, defects, and other items of content that may cause damages. For any problem that may arise during the visit-use of such links, the User must address directly to the respective websites and web pages, which bear the entire responsibility for the provision of their services. may in no way be considered to endorse or approve the content or the services of the websites and web pages referred to or linked in any other way.

General Terms These Terms constitute the entire legal agreement between the visitor – User and and govern the use of the Website by the User.

The User expressly and unconditionally accepts that may provide notices, including those related to modification of the Terms, through emails, mail, or announcements.

Any delay or failure to exercise any right of, either once or repeatedly, shall in no way be deemed as a waiver of such right that may be exercised at any time.

Should a provision of these Terms be invalid, the User expressly and unconditionally accepts that said term shall be replaced by with another of an equivalent effect, thus interpreting the actual will of the contracting parties. In any case, the remaining Terms hereof are not affected by the invalidity of any term and remain valid and in force.

In case of breach by the User of any Term hereof, in addition to the consequences provided herein or in any other source of law, has the right, at its absolute discretion, to discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the ability to access the Website.

These Terms are governed exclusively by the Cypriot law. For the resolution of any dispute that may arise by these Terms, the courts of Greece shall have the exclusive jurisdiction.

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